At David vs Goliath Ministries, we are heavily focused upon our relationship with our creator and ensuring that the gifts given to us by our God, including our God given unalienable rights and liberties are protected from intrusion by the state.
These efforts include worship, teaching and ordaining ministers, helping others to create their own ministries or found their own unincorporated church. All that is needed is a strong faith and the determination to help others.
On this page we emphasize some of the most common ministries and ministerial activities. As an ordained minister you have the ability to perform ecclesiastical marriages, preside over funerals and baptisms, and conduct these activities with a reliance upon a scriptural authority instead of the states authority.
Performing these functions under the states authority requires a license from the state. The definition of license is "written permission from a competent authority to do something that would otherwise be illegal". The question becomes, whose authority is the superior authority? We prefer to perform these functions reliant upon the highest authority, the authority of God and scripture, instead of making our activities subject to the regulation of the state.
We believe the state has absolutely no business inserting or involving itself in our relationships with our God or trying to usurp authority that comes from God and scripture. We are not anti-government however we are very much anti-government intrusion. We are happy to tell the state to "stay in your own lane" and leave faith based activities to those who have been called into faith based services such as the ministry.

Become An Ordained Minister.
Have you ever thought about becoming an ordained minister? As an ordained minister you'll have the ability to perform marriage ceremonies, funerals, baptisms, and more. Considering a prison ministry or community services?
Becoming an ordained minister doesn't need to be a lengthy or tedious process. Scripture actually commands us to minister to others. With an ordination from David vs Goliath ministries, you can become ordained based upon a scriptural authority instead of the state's authority and still legally be recognized as a minister. The process is a simple one. After receiving your ordination documents, you'll need to plan to participate in a general information training session online. This general training should take less than an hour and can be completed anytime within the first 6 months as an ordained minister.
David vs. Goliath Ministries does not cover the processing cost of getting your ordination in place. That is your responsibility. Therefore, a minimum donation of $100 will be required for the ordination. Once that donation is received, and you have agreed to our Statement of Faith, and our taken Oath of Ordination, the ordination award letter will be sent to you via email. Additional information to assist you as a newly ordained minister will also be available.
If you've ever had the desire to become ordained, now is a great time for this. Contact us today.
Marriage Preparation
How do we prepare a couple for marriage? Are you aware that obtaining a marriage license creates a 3 party contract between the husband, the wife, and the state? Are you aware that the state retains full authority over "the fruits of the marriage" and retains the ability to govern family business as a party to this contract? Do you know this has been the opinions of the courts for a long time?
A couple looking to enter into a marriage should be educated in these matters and provided the ability to choose between a scriptural marriage and a licensed marriage. Unfortunately they aren't educated on the topic because most pastors and ministers aren't educated on the topic. This education is an important part of the activities of David vs Goliath Ministries.

Music Ministry
Has God gifted you with the talents of musical abilities? Do you have the desire to utilize those talents for your own ministry? We can assist you in forming your own ministry.
As the founder of David vs Goliath ministries, this is an area I am specialized in. Having been in law since 1984, I am capable of assisting you in creating your own ministry and bringing your gifts and talents to the world, using your own ministry as a vehicle to accomplish that goal.

Volunteer Groups
Looking to create or support your own community volunteer programs or efforts? Do you have a desire to do so as an ordained minister? Contact us today to arrange a time to speak with someone who can assist you with becoming an ordained minister yourself.

College Ministry
Whether the activities are led by college staff or by student ministers, every college campus has a need for ministry activities. Establishing a ministry on a college campus fills a need for our younger adults, even if they haven't yet realized it is a need. You may simply choose to become ordained yourself and minister to others or you may choose to establish your own ministry for that purpose. If you are looking to establish your own college ministry, we can help.

Ministerial Support and Counseling
Are you an experience counselor? The need for counseling is an ever growing need. Whether it's grief counseling, family counseling, substance abuse counseling, or general spiritual counseling, maybe you feel called to apply your gifts in your own ministry. We can help you to apply those gifts as an ordained minister or establish your own ministry. Contact us today and allow us to help you to determine what is the best path for you.